A coalition of Activists Calling for Court of Appeals to Remove Block on President’s Deferred Action Programs


A coalition of Activists Calling for Court of Appeals to Remove Block on President’s Deferred Action Programs

GLAHR Sends Delegation to Hearing in New Orleans, Continues to Advocate for the Implementation of Deferred Action Initiatives

For Immediate Release
Date: April 16, 2015
Contact: Adelina Nicholls, Executive Director, Georgia Latino Alliance for Human
770.457.5232, anicholls@glahr.org

Atlanta, GA. Last Monday, the Georgia Latino Alliance for Human Rights (GLAHR) joined over 150 immigration, labor, and civil rights groups and signed an amicus brief submitted to Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, arguing that the Texas ruling that blocked the implementation of President Obama’s deferred actions programs should be overturned.

The President’s expanded DACA and DAPA programs provide temporary relief from deportation and work authorization to immigrants who came to the United States as children and parents of US citizens and legal permanent residents. The legal brief filed with Court of Appeals, under the direction of the National Immigration Law Center (NILC), argues that these deferred action programs will have economic benefits and ultimately strengthen communities, contrary to the Texas federal judge’s claim that they will be harmful due to financial costs.

GLAHR continues to advocate for the implementation of the expanded DACA and DAPA programs, bringing attention to immigrants’ contributions to the country and fighting for access to the administrative relief that the immigrant community campaigned to achieve last November. This week, joining the Southeast Caravan, GLAHR is sending a delegation to New Orleans to attend a hearing on the Obama Administration’s appeal to lift the temporary halt on the President’s deferred action initiatives. The hearing will take place on Friday, April 17, at 10 am.

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